Archive for October, 2011

October 27, 2011

Hot off the press – AIA’s Fall 2011 Newsletter

Achieve in Africa’s Fall 2011 newsletter is out!  This issue includes stories about what we’ve been doing the past few months and what projects we will be focusing on next.  The newsletter also includes some great pictures from our trip to Tanzania this past summer (if you’d like to see more pictures, check out our FB page or previous blog posts).

Headlines include:

– AIA Volunteers Renovate Seven Classrooms While in Tanzania

– New School, Classroom by Classroom

– CLC Provides Light, and Hope

– Become and AIA Ambassador!


If you’d stay up-to-date on AIA’s work and  learn more about our projects in Olasiti and Ulolela, be sure to subscribe so that you can continue to receive our newsletters!  It’s simple to sign up – just visit our website  and enter your information into the box on the bottom right corner of our homepage.


Thank you for your continued support!



October 19, 2011

Every 1 can make a difference

It’s Anti-Poverty Week!  Well…at least in Australia it is.  But why waste an opportunity to combat a global issue that directly affects the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants?  Currently, almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.

One woman in Australia hopes to fight this reality one dollar at a time.  Sophie Bartho started the 1$day fundraising campaign in the hopes that people will take the time to make a $1 donation on 1 day (Oct. 20th) to help bring an end to poverty.  The 1$day website includes a clear description of the goal of the project:

“Why do some have basics like a meal, an education, a safe home, a safe community, a peaceful country, and others do not?  And especially children – who can’t choose their circumstance, and are born into them.

There are lots of charities doing excellent work to improve these inequities but they need more money.

Together we can collectively change these inequities. We are launching a phenomenal fundraising event – it is called 1$day. One day every year, when we ask everyone who can, to give $1 for those who can’t. Just $1 regardless of your CEO salary, or your student pocket money. Just $1.”

Whether you’re Australian or not, take Ms. Bartho’s message to heart.  Every dollar brings us one step closer towards bringing people services and resources that can improve their lives.  There ARE lots of charities doing excellent work to improve these inequalities (I can think of one in particular…) but they (we) need more money.

While I appreciate the efforts and the intent behind the 1$day fundraising effort, this concept should extend far beyond October 20th.  Any dollar you give on any day of the week can go a long way towards providing a child with a quality education.   I challenge you to think about how you spend your dollars each day and consider the impact you could make by redirecting even just one of those dollars towards helping change the world.


October 11, 2011

Photos from Tanzania!

Here are some great photos from the AIA team’s trip to Tanzania this past August!   The trip was partially sponsored by United Students for Africa and Achieve in Africa traveled with volunteers from the sponsoring organization to Olasiti village and Ulolela village.  Together, Achieve in Africa and the volunteers worked in the two villages to assist with the construction of the primary and secondary school buildings.  Additionally, the group had the opportunity to meet with village leaders and provide cultural lessons to the local school children at the project sites.

Students at Olasiti Primary School in Olasiti Village outside of Arusha, Tanzania stand at their desks in one of the classrooms built by Achieve in Africa.

The group of AIA volunteers and leaders after a home-cooked lunch with the chairman of Olasiti Village, Alex Marti, and his family.

Jennie, a volunteer, enjoys some downtime in Ulolela, Tanzania.

Achieve in Africa Co-founder/Vice President Alyssa Snow poses with children before playing soccer in Ulolela village in southern Tanzania.

Achieve in Africa Co-founder/President Brendan Callahan speaks with villagers during a welcoming celebration outside of Ulolela village in southern Tanzania.

Elizabeth, Alyssa and Jennie take a break with Mwalimu Evelin, the headmistress of Olasiti Primary School, after carrying water and supplies needed for renovating classrooms in Olasiti village, Tanzania.

Solar panels are installed on the Community Learning Center in Ulolela village in southern Tanzania.

Achieve in Africa volunteers and local workers mix cement for a new floor for a classroom at Olasiti Primary School near Arusha, Tanzania.

Achieve in Africa Co-founder/President Brendan Callahan transports wet cement into a classroom to install a new floor at Olasiti Primary School near Arusha, Tanzania.

Women carry supplies to a nearby village near Ulolela village in southern Tanzania.

Students at Olasiti Primary School excitedly greet Achieve in Africa volunteers when they arrive.

October 1, 2011

Using Social Media for Social Good

When I started out as the Communications Intern for AIA, I had previously only explored social media outlets for my personal use.  I quickly learned that using social media for a non-profit organization was an entirely different beast.  In the time that I have worked with AIA I have learned a lot simply through gaining first-hand experience with our different forms of communication.  I have also realized the wide variety of resources available for those seeking to improve their media outreach.  In particular, several blogs have been helpful in outlining the do’s and don’t with respect to social media.  While perusing online resources, I upon a post on Ventureneer, which includes their list of the 25 Best Social Media for Social Good blogs.  The list is accompanied by descriptions of each blog so that newbies and tech-savvy readers alike can find information to fit their particular needs.  My personal favorite is Nonprofit Tech 2.0, which provides guidance for using social media in a way that is particularly relevant to non-profits.

I am amazed by the vast amount of valuable information available on this particular topic.  While I am pleased with the progress that AIA continues to make in utilizing social media, it is clear that we still have a lot of room left for meaningful growth.

If there are social media resources that you have found helpful, please be sure to comment!

